The most important features:

  • Very good mechanical strength (700 kPa)

  • Watertightness

  • Excellent thermal insulation properties

  • Lightweight

  • Wide thickness range

  • Variety of edge finishes



  • Insulation of car parks with high requirements for dynamic loads

  • Insulation of floors with high demands on dynamic loads

  • Insulation of thermal bridges of wreaths, lintels and windowsills

  • Insulation of inverted flat roofs in combination with parking lots



HOCH XPS boards are packed in a package (picking unit; see Table 1) wrapped in foil and then stored on a pallet (loading unit; see Table 2). The overall dimensions of the HOCH XPS boards are shown in Table 3.

Package (picking unit)

Board thickness of
XPS [mm]
Number of boards
in a package [pcs]
Board area
in a package [m2]
Board volume
in a package [m3]
Height of
package [m]
30 14 10,5 0,315 0,42
40 10 7,5 0,3 0,4
50 8 6 0,3 0,4
60 7 5,25 0,315 0,42
80 5 3,75 0,3 0,4
100 4 3 0,3 0,4
120 4 3 0,36 0,48
140* 3 2,25 0,315 0,42
150* 3 2,25 0,3375 0,45
160* 3 2,25 0,36 0,48

* product available only on special order and after confirmation by the customer service department


Board thickness of
XPS [mm]
Number of packages
on a pallet [pcs]
Number of boards
on a pallet [pcs]
Board area
on a pallet [m2]
Board volume
on a pallet [m3]
with sleeper [m]
30 12 168 126 3,78 2,60
40 12 120 90 3,6 2,48
50 12 96 72 3,6 2,48
60 12 84 63 3,78 2,60
80 12 60 45 3,6 2,48
100 12 48 36 3,6 2,48
120 10 40 30 3,6 2,48
140* 12 36 27 3,78 2,60
150* 10 30 22,5 3,375 2,33
160* 10 30 22,5 3,6 2,48

* product available only on special order and after confirmation by the customer service department


Edge trim Length [mm] Width [mm]
I 1250 600
L 1265 615
PW 1265 615